Bryan, Christy, Ezekiel and Eden Anaya

Month: April 2011

Florida Fun!

The Anaya family was together for a week in Florida so we had a lot of time together. One day the girls all went out to celebrate Jenny joining the family. Another evening Michelle and I cooked dinner for the family. Grandma and grandpa also loved the time they spent with Ezekiel. Unfortunately, those were the only two times someone remembered to take pictures while we were there.

Sun, Sand, and Surf!

Ezekiel had a ton of fun at the beach in Florida. At first he was a little uncertain when we put him in the water but after he got used to the waves he really enjoyed dipping his feet in the water. He also loved the sand.

Wedding Bells!

In the beginning of April we spent a week in Florida for Bryan’s brother’s wedding. (Welcome to the Anaya family Jenny!) Below I posted some pictures from rehearsals and the actual wedding.

Apple Man

Ezekiel and I were playing in his playroom yesterday when he all of a sudden bolted into the kitchen. When he didn’t come back after a minute I went to check on him and I found him in the produce box. Apparently, if there aren’t any pears on the box he will settle for apples. When I caught him taking apples form the box he wasn’t very happy. So he proceeded to turn his back to me and try to eat the apple before I could stop him. It was too cute. I’m just glad he’s sneaking apples and not candy.

Mangos for Lunch

Today Ezekiel had some mangos with his lunch. He is now very skilled at eating with his hands. He loves finger foods and even though he only had 4 teeth he can chew pieces of fruit. He loved the mangos!

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