Bryan, Christy, Ezekiel and Eden Anaya

Month: September 2010

The Adventures of Flat Shelby

My niece recently sent us a “flat Shelby” puppet in the mail as part of a class project. She had to send it to someone that didn’t live in the same town as her, and they had to commit to taking pictures of the “puppet” in their community. Then we are supposed to send the pictures back with the puppet, and the class is going to have a geography lesson and see where all the puppets went. So, we took the puppet on the hike with us the other day and I tried to get some pictures of flat Shelby along the trail. We actually had a lot of fun propping the paper doll in trees. The following pictures are just the beginning of the adventures of flat Shelby.

Hike With Uncle Mike!

My uncle Mike came to visit, and on the only sunny day we took a short hike near our home. At the end of the hike daddy and Mike found a tunnel. Unfortunately, there were a lot of rocks on the path to the tunnel so I stayed behind with mommy while the big guys explored the tunnel. We had lots of fun and saw some beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, when we woke up on Sunday Mike found a tick on his arm. Sorry uncle Mike, but thanks for visiting.

3 Months Old

I’m finally three months old! Mommy is behind on posting new pictures so here are some of the more recent ones. The last picture was taken right before mommy and I went on our morning walk. She got me bundled up and ready to go outside. I was very excited, so while she was putting her shoes on I was wiggling around and I wiggled my hat right over one of my eyes. I was very unhappy, but mom took a picture of me anyway. I didn’t mind because she fixed my hat right away then took me on a walk.

Mr. Giggles

Ezekiel is starting to laugh now so we pulled out the video camera and shot some footage of him. Enjoy the laughter.

[pro-player width=’500′ height=’334′ type=’video’][/pro-player]

Beachtime Family Fun!

Having Ezekiel meet his great grandparents was such a joy! We met with my parents, grandparents, and great uncle for a few days of fun at the beach. Ezekiel is so great with new people; he warmed up to everyone right away and gave big smiles to everyone. Bryan’s parents also came to the beach for the day, and grandma had fun with Ezekiel while grandpa had fun crabbing with the men.

The men also had fun catching (or trying to catch) crab. They successfully caught one large keeper and had fun cooking and eating it. Zephyr made sure that the crab was killed humanely by putting it into a deep sleep in the freezer. My grandmother got quite a laugh when I opened the freezer and screamed because there was a crab staring me in the face.

We can’t wait for Ezekiel to meet the rest of the family!

So Behind!

I’m so behind on adding recent pictures of Ezekiel. Some of the pictures below are several weeks old but, as all you other moms know, extra time is very limited when you have a little one. Hope you enjoy the old pictures!

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