Bryan, Christy, Ezekiel and Eden Anaya

Month: March 2009

A Foggy Day at Cabrillo

On Sunday, Bryan, Mike, Jenny and I went to Cabrillo State Park. They inspected the light house and we read about how Cabrillo was used to keep the enemy submarines at bay during the war. After that we drove down to the tide pool area and walked the trail along the coast. Unfortunately the tide was too high to see any tide pools but we saw so many other interesting things. There were many spots where you could climb down the rocks and Mike climbed down too far once and needed a little extra help getting up. On our way back to the car Bryan found a prickly plant and he and Jenny cracked it open to see what was inside.  We never figured out what it was and no one was brave enough to taste it.

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Exploring Torrey Pines!


For the past several days Bryan and I have been in San Diego. On Saturday, we visited Torrey Pines State park with his siblings and Jenny.  We walked around a few of the trails and had tons of fun. Most of the trails followed along the coast line so we saw some awesome scenery! Fortunately, the weather was absolutely gorgeous so we got some great pictures!


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The Hike that Wasn’t!

Bryan and I tried to go hiking at Lake 22 this afternoon. Of course I didn’t think about the huge storm that passed through the area last weekend and there was about 2 feet of snow on top of the trail when we got there. Needless to say we didn’t end up hiking; instead we drove further into the mountains and took pictures of the beautiful scenery. 

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