Bryan, Christy, Ezekiel and Eden Anaya

Month: October 2008

Pumpkin Fun!

Last week Bryan and I went to the pumpkin patch to pick out two perfect pumpkins to carve. As you will see in the pictures he did most of the work getting the pumpkins to the car.

Life was crazy this week so we didn’t have a chance to carve the pumpkins until this afternoon. At least the trick-or-treaters got to see them. One Boy even told me that he really liked the pumpkins.

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Tawni and Shorty do Humboldt!

For the past 5 days I was in Eureka, Ca visiting my good friend from college; Tawni.  On Friday night we went to a concert featuring some Irish band. It was fun, except that the 2 opening bands were horrible. Then on Saturday we went to a BBQ with some people that Tawni works with.On Saturday afternoon, we went to the Jetty and had fun climbing around and taking pictures. On Sunday we went to Fern Canyon. It’s this long narrow canyon that ferns have grown all over the sides. It also has a small stream running the length of the canyon. Tawni informed me that they filmed parts of “Jurassic Park” there. So, we spent hours there taking tons of pictures and having lots of fun. After we left the canyon we went to a nearby beach to watch the sun set. It was absolutely amazing. Then, we had some fun jumping off the driftwood into the sand.  

On Monday, we went to Patrick’s Point and College Cove with Tawni’s friend Rebecca. At Patrick’s Point (on the California Coast) we climbed a huge rock and looked at the beautiful scenery. Then at College Cove we walked through trees, over bushes, and down sand hills to our destination high above the water. Tawni found an awesome blowhole in the rocks where we had tons of fun taking pictures. Then Sunday night we went to dinner at a tipenyaki restaurant with Tawni’s family and had tons of fun. The chef threw broccoli in the air and had everyone try and catch it in their mouth. I was the only one who couldn’t catch it, even after 5 trys. It even hit me in the eye once, so I was glad when he finally ran out of broccoli to throw.

Unfortunately, the fun ran out on Tuesday morning when I had to go home. However, we had such a fun time while I was there and we got so many amazing pictures. (We got pretty good at setting the timer and the camera and running!) Check it out below because I posted several of them. 

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In and Around Washington!

Some friends from California came to visit us at the end of August and we had such a blast exploring the Puget Sound region. I made some earlier posts about what we did during their time here, but I have some other pictures that didn’t fit with the other posts. So, I just posted them below.

*Thanks for the pictures Victor and Tamira!


Row, Row, Row Your Boat!

In August, Bryan, some friends, and I decided to go canoeing on Lake Washington. Our friends got a canoe, and against Bryan’s better judgment he let me talk him into getting a row boat. We paddled out a short ways when Bryan noticed that there were no clips to keep the oars in their holder. So, every time he went to lift the oars out of the water they would come out of the holder and he would have to stop rowing to put them back in. So, soon after our revelation we stopped to eat lunch. While we were eating lunch we became surrounded by geese. After lunch I tried to row; fortunately, Bryan was super patient with me. Unfortunately, while I was in control we only went in circles. So, Bryan being a wonderful and loving husband he is, took control of the boat again and got us back to the dock. Lesson learned; rent a canoe next time.

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Take me Out to the Ball Game!

In August while some friends were here visiting we went to the Mariners game. They played the A’s and lost 0-1 in the last inning. Fortunately, Victor got us some awesome seats so we got to see the loss up close and personal.

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